FASHION THURSDAYS, a new concept combining weekly Fashion Shows with a Premiere nightlife arena, is set to launch at mid- March. These runway shows are set to take place at ONE Little West 12, a restaurant and lounge located in the heart of the Meatpacking district- Manhattan's most explosive entertainment area. The merging of Bryant Park elements to a Meat-Packing venue serve as a platform for up and coming designers as well as their brands.
The exterior architecture of the building is designed in such a way to capture the authenticity of the Meatpacking District. The rugged steel awning that is prevalent in this area has been reconstructed both along Little West 12th Street and
along 9th Ave. However, upon entering ONE you are greeted with a warm welcome. ONE exudes both an earthy and sexy feel through its rich decor with delicate raw materials and plenty of candlelight shadowing. The colour scheme is centered on various shades of brown and beige, rich and full of texture with fabrics such as ultra suede, leather, mohair and silk, balancing the primitive elements that make up our space such as brick, wood, stone and mirror.
The space has a playful element by which distinct areas such as the Candle Lounge, the Centre Bar Lounge, the Dining Lounge and the Champagne and Oyster Bar may harmoniously blend together to create a unified venue. The levelling of these areas, and the seating arrangements set the scene for an intimate experience with your party and if you so choose, the entire room. The flow amongst each of the separate areas is highly conducive to meeting people, facilitates the transition between 'having a table' and 'being at the bar', and is accommodating for any number of groupings. ONE also has a downstairs VIP Cellar Lounge which hosts private functions or VIP seating.